What we do

Financing Net Earth What We Do

Consulting Services

The financial sector plays an integral role in bringing about systemic change and in helping mobilise and shift capital to fully decarbonise the economy. Innovative research, sound policies, finance & investment frameworks are required to support the energy transition. Mitigating climate change requires integrated financial solutions across instruments, sectors, and countries. Financing Net Earth is a boutique analysis and advisory consultancy with deep expertise in finance and fiscal policy solutions in the trajectory to net zero.

Our Services

Our expertise includes:

Corporate Finance

  • Financial and cashflow analysis
  • Deal structuring
  • Project finance and balance sheet risk management
  • Debt and equity structuring
  • Investor due diligence
  • Investment fund structuring
  • Environmental reporting and disclosure

Impact Finance

  • Blended finance structuring, funds and transactions
  • Fund mobilisation, access and structuring

Climate Finance Advisory

  • Decarbonisation strategy and financing
  • Carbon credit strategy and financing
  • Climate risks and opportunities analysis

Policy Advisory

  • We support global efforts to achieve a low carbon growth and climate resilient path.
  • We deliver studies, technical documents and provide strategic guidance.

Fiscal Policy Advisory

  • Fiscal reforms are crucial for mitigating and adapting to climate change.
  • Proactive fiscal policies can help countries become more climate resilient.
  • Many countries tend to underinvest in climate change adaptation or build sufficient fiscal buffers to prepare for extreme events.
  • Well-designed environmental tax reforms can mitigate climate change while raising well-being.
  • Environmental tax reforms can provide a “triple dividend”: cutting pollution, raising economic activity, and generating development co-benefits such as cleaner water, safer roads and improvements in human health.

Contact us

Find out more about how shifting towards sustainable climate-aligned investments can benefit your organisation.