financing net earth

Who we are

The global mandate to mitigate climate change is reshaping the energy mix, reducing the demand for traditional carbon intensive energy sources such as coal, oil and driving demand for minerals and metals that support zero-carbon energy source technologies. Constructing a sustainable pathway with decarbonisation objectives requires sound fiscal and financial reforms.

Financing Net Earth (FNE) was founded in 2021 to fulfil this role by designing and implementing innovative climate finance models. With an innate passion for the environment and the well-being of the future of humanity, Net Earth aims to be seen as a global thought leader in the field of climate-aligned impact investing.

Who We Are

Our Mission

Our mission is to help public and private sector address climate change while building a sustainable, resilient, and low carbon economy.


Our Goals

At Financing Net Earth, our innate passion for the environment and sustainable investing means that our biggest goal is to make a positive contribution towards the wellbeing of the planet. We aim to be a global thought leader in the field of sustainable investing, pioneering a watershed movement that constructs the pathway to climate-aligned investing. 

The Team

Financing Net Earth has developed a specialist team with a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of climate finance and the unique risks and opportunities within them. While we are a diverse group with a variety of skills and experiences, we share our passion for sustainability and achieving our triple bottom line of people, profit, and planet.

founder and managing director

Roshelle Ramfol

Constructing a sustainable pathway to net zero carbon emissions requires sound fiscal and financial reforms. Financing Net Earth (FNE) was founded in 2021 to fulfil this role by designing and implementing innovative climate finance models. 

Roshelle provides overall strategy to the advisory programmes and guides the company in its mission to transform lives by delivering impactful projects around the globe. She is a seasoned development professional. Prior to FNE, she provided consulting services and worked with many international agencies to develop energy transition policy for the extractives sector. Having an innate passion for the environment and the well-being of humanity, Financing Net Earth aims to be a global thought leader in the field of impact investing. 

Financing Net Earth

CA(SA); PhD (Tax policy); MCom (Taxation), PGD (International Tax); BAcc

Green finance and extractive sector governance expert

CA(SA); PhD (Accounting Science) candidate; MCom (International Tax); BCom Hons (Accounting); BCom

Green finance and climate change policy expert for petroleum producing countries


Thuli Mokgele CA(SA)

Thuli Mokgele has insight into climate policy design, green finance and sustainable investing. She specialises in innovative financing models for the green economy and has designed a range of financing structures across diverse social and environmental issues for developing countries.

At FNE Thuli provides technical assistance on the environmental fiscal reforms for petroleum producing countries. Prior to joining FNE, Thuli lead teams in external audits of financial services and asset management clients. She also serves on the board of a listed entity as a non-executive director and is the Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee. Thuli was awarded a prestigious scholarship to attend the Harvard Kennedy School’s Executive Program on ‘Climate Change Policy: Politics and Economics’.


Kgalalelo Makamela CA(SA)

Kgalalelo Makamela is passionate about the intersection of climate change tax policy and investments in cleaner forms of energy for mining entities. She specialises in pricing and investment decision analysis for green technology integration in mines.

At FNE she provides technical assistance related to carbon pricing and climate resilient investments decisions. Prior to FNE, Kgalalelo engaged in tax audits and transfer pricing risk analysis at the South African Revenue Service prior to transition into carbon pricing. She also lectures management accounting at University of Cape Town.

CA(SA); MPhil (Accounting Science) candidate; BCom Hons (Accounting); BCom

Green finance and carbon pricing expert for mining countries.

CA(SA); PhD (Accounting Science) candidate; MCom (Tax); MBA (Accounting); BCom

Green finance, energy transition fiscal design pathways and resilience expert


Virgil Nbellah Abedana

Virgil Abedana’s background is in tax and business services, where he spent the early part of his career as a tax consultant before transitioning into climate finance.

At FNE, Virgil’s portfolio includes green finance, energy transition fiscal design pathways to resilience policy analysis for resource rich developing countries. Virgil is an advocate for renewable energy and financing of clean energy in Ghana in his capacity as board member of various local NGOs and Cooperative Credit Unions. Virgil is a Senior Lecturer with the Tamale Technical University.


Vusi Msiza CA(SA)

Vusi Msiza brings over 10 years of experience in banking, finance, and asset management sectors. His expertise vests in supporting the transition to electric and low carbon transportation through vehicle electrification in-parallel with greening the electricity grid to reach optimum emission reduction.

At FNE, Vusi’s practice areas include technical and strategic advisory in climate finance with specialist insights in the of electric mobility in the developing markets. Prior to joining FNE, taught Tax Administration at the University of South Africa.

CA(SA); PhD (Accounting Science) candidate; MCompt (Tax); PgDip(Tax); BCom Hons (Accounting); BCom

Green finance and electric mobility expert


Ruyaida Moosa Financing Net Earth

CA(SA); PhD (Accounting Science) candidate; MCom (International Tax); BCom Hons (Accounting); BCom

Green finance and behavioural finance expert


Ruyaida Moosa CA(SA)

Ruyaida Moosa is a specialist in the field of behavioural finance. With extensive expertise in understanding the psychological aspects of financial decision-making. Ruyaida has made significant contributions to the field through her research and consulting in financial advisory roles in South Africa and the USA. 

At FNE she provides technical assistance related to green energy finance in modelling the human dimension in the transition to renewable energy. She supports the team in ensuring our policies incorporate behavioural factors to assist in the design of effective strategies and interventions to promote green energy investment. 

She also lectures taxation at the University of South Africa and is a motivational TEDx speaker, an in-house accredited Life Coach.


Kebaabetswe Ramushwana CA(SA)

As a passionate advocate for a greener future, Kebaabetswe Ramushwana is a dedicated small business specialist with a unique mandate to reduce carbon emissions. With a profound understanding of the intersection between business success and environmental responsibility, Keba has become a driving force in guiding small businesses towards sustainable practices. 

At FNE, she provides technical assistance and collaborates closely with entrepreneurs to tailor strategies that not only cut emissions but also enhance operational efficiency and boost their bottom line by mentoring businesses in identifying areas of improvement, implementing eco-friendly technologies, and creating actionable roadmaps for carbon footprint reduction. 

Keba is a multidisciplinary professional with a unique blend of skills as both a Radiographer and Chartered Accountant. Her journey began in the realm of the healthcare industry as a  Radiography where she acquired 19 years of experience. However, Keba’s insatiable curiosity led her to explore new horizons as she embarked on a transformative path that culminated in her becoming a Chartered Accountant. She completed her articles with the South African Revenue Service after which she was seconded to the Auditor-General of South Africa. 

She is Head of the Department for Financial Governance in the School of Applied Accountancy at the University of South Africa.


MPhil (Accounting Science) candidate; APC and ITC (SAICA board exams); Postgraduate in Applied Accounting Sciences; BCompt; Bachelor of Diagnostic Radiography

Green finance and small business sustainability finance expert



Find out more about how shifting towards sustainable climate-aligned investments can benefit your organisation.